**Please read details below for updated and clarified length and template guidelines; references no longer count toward the overall length!**
In collaboration with our host, Columbia College Chicago, we are pleased to invite submissions for paper presentations, performances, workshops and more to the 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO) which will be held 22nd-24th June in Chicago, IL.
MOCO is a conference aiming to better understand how bodily movement interacts with computational technology. This year’s theme is Artificial Embodiment: Windy Shifts. Wind chaotically rippling across the prairies of Illinois has a wildly different characteristic movement than the linear predictability of the Shift key on a computer keyboard. Yet, both result in a transformation of the landscape, an opening of new possibilities. Referencing the famed winds of the midwest where our conference event takes place alongside an oft-used keyboard affordance (through which many attendees may access the event), this theme highlights human physical intelligence and the artificial systems that attempt to measure and recreate it.
We are curious about which aspects of the moving human can and cannot be measured, as well as those that can and cannot be represented in artificial systems. For example, telepresence robots that attempt to give remote humans physical presence in work, social, or public physical spaces are a type of artificial embodiment that grapples with natural and artificial modalities of movement. These are just some examples of technologies that we may be shifting toward due to the prevailing winds of current events that necessitate interaction at a distance. We are excited to explore these concepts in person and online at Columbia College in Chicago this coming June.
Information about previous conferences can be found at
All deadlines are 11:59 PM (AOE: Anywhere on Earth time)
MOCO is an interdisciplinary community where artistic and technical contributions are synergistic and equally valued. Thus, we invite submissions that span academic approaches, applied practices, and fields of study, unified by the concepts of movement and computing. We encourage submitters to carefully articulate the relationship of their work to this lens through both scientific and artistic methods of inquiry. Topics include, but are not limited to:
In order to support our interdisciplinary community, MOCO is open to a wide range of formats for presenting work. In addition to papers for oral and poster presentations, we invite submission of practice works such as demos, performances, games, artistic works and movement workshops. We are open to novel formats and we encourage submitters to be creative in proposals for practice sessions. We anticipate being able to provide limited support for student travel for accepted work across all categories. The submission categories are:
The conference is an opportunity to present original research and details of collaborative work. Participants will have the chance to offer a presentation of the results of their research on one of the themes of the conference and to interact with their scientific/artistic peers in a friendly and constructive environment.
All submissions should be original and anonymized and will be peer-reviewed in a double blind review process by members of the MOCO community. All submissions will receive at least two reviews which will be reviewed by the publications and proceedings chairs. Reviewers will allot 4-8 weeks for completing reviews. Minor revisions will be accepted.
MOCO 2022 will follow the workflow of ACM, which is new this year. Before preparing your submission, please read the instructions on the ACM page carefully.
This means the submission format will look different than in past MOCO conferences. We have also replaced the page count with a word count for each submission type. Important: Word counts do not include references.
All MOCO submissions will use the ACM Primary Article Templates AND Publication Workflow for publication of BOTH the proceedings and extended abstracts. This ACM page gives a rationale behind this choice. Additional Information is also provided on this page.
We deliberately use a very open term – “practice work” – to encourage diverse ideas of what practice in movement and computing is – and could be – and how such practice can be presented. We suggest the following as examples of what a practice work might be, but also stress that the list is not exhaustive and other types of presentations can be considered, the only criteria being excellence of the work and appropriateness to the conference and theme. MOCO has limited means to present live work. Accepted Practice Works that require significant resources, time, and/or space will need to be presented in alternative formats, e.g. video, structured discussion, or at independent or remote venues that can be made accessible to MOCO attendees.
Suggested practice work formats:
Practice Works Submissions consist of:
All submissions should be original and will be peer-reviewed by the MOCO community.
The Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for graduate students to present their work-in-progress on their advanced studies, especially their terminal degree, e.g., doctorate or MFA, to share and develop their research ideas in a supportive environment with participation from experts in the field. Students will have the opportunity to establish a community with other graduate students at a similar stage of their research.
Accepted students will give an oral presentation in a dedicated session. We encourage students to submit a description of their doctoral work even if they are at an early stage. Videos and other supplementary materials are welcomed and encouraged. Students accepted to present their work at the Doctoral Consortium must plan to attend (either virtually or in person).
Submissions consist of:
* Doctoral consortium submissions may use any format convenient for the authors.
We are pleased to announce that this year's conference will include a late-breaking works session. This session is an opportunity for researchers and students to get feedback on work not-yet ready for publication. These submissions will be juried and may be presented as any of the submission categories of: presentation, practice work, poster, demo, or panel.
MOCO 2022 will follow the workflow defined by ACM, which is different than in years past. Before preparing your submission, authors are requested to please read through the instructions on the ACM page carefully.
The most significant change is that all submissions must be submitted in the single column review format which is required by ACM, and both papers and extended abstracts will use the same publication format, which is different from the file format submitted for review.
ACM Primary Article Templates AND Publication Workflow for publication.This ACM page gives a rationale behind this choice.
Please adhere to the following word counts.
All submissions must be made through EasyChair:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=moco22All papers submissions must be as anonymous as possible, including references that may reveal the author(s). The MOCO conference proceedings will be indexed and published in the ACM digital library.
We will be using The ACM Publication System (TAPS) process. This means there are separate templates for submission (when you submit your article for review) and template for publication (when you submit your final, camera ready version for publication).
The MOCO committee is asking all authors to work on improving the accessibility of their submissions. Please see the Guide to an Accessible Submission for more details.
If you have any questions please contact us on movementcomputing2022@gmail.com.
At this year's MOCO, award-winning artist Yanira Castro is creating a piece that is inspired by the Puerto Rican güiro (a percussive instrument) and apito (a whistle) used in improvisational jibaro music. Her work and process exploring artificial embodiment will be featured at this year's conference.
Additionally, extending our approach from SloMoCo (hosted over the course of 2021), in person and virtual attendance options will be offered in sync and out of sync with the live conference program.
If you have any questions please contact us on